Support Us

Ways to support The Association of Friends

We hope you are inspired by our work at this wonderful Home and that you consider this a worthy cause. You can give your support in three ways:

Membership | Donation | Sponsorship

  • Lodges and individuals can make a donation or sponsor an event like a musical afternoon or garden party.
  • A table collection at a festive board could pay for an event or for therapy equipment to help with the well-being of the residents.


The Association of Friends of Prince Michael of Kent Court organises entertainment, social events and coffee mornings for our residents, as well as assisting at supper clubs. We are looking for good-humoured, caring people to have fun with our lovely residents at these events and help with setting/clearing up and serving refreshments. You can enjoy the entertainment while getting involved at this wonderful care home.
Even if you can help out only occasionally, we would really welcome your support. Email:

Membership Benefits

By becoming a Member or a Supporting Lodge, your subscription helps us to fund the events, facilities and therapy equipment that we organise and provide.

As a Supporting Lodge / Chapter you will:

  • receive a distinctive embroidered Rose emblem to display on your Lodge Bible Cushion and/or Almoner’s and Charity Steward’s collars
  • be able to display on your lodge summons the text: “Supporting Lodge of the Association of Friends of Prince Michael of Kent Court”
  • receive updates on our work and how your donations are helping our residents
  • receive details of events taking place at PMKC
  • have the opportunity to sponsor events at PMKC

As a Personal Member you will receive:

• our distinctive Yellow Rose lapel pin

• updates on our work and how your donations are helping our residents

• details of events taking place at PMKC.

Patron Single £25.00
Patron Joint £40.00
Supporting Lodge Minimum donation of £75.00

Ways to pay

  • By standing order. Download and fill in the application form and standing order form and return the forms to the Membership Secretary
  • By direct bank transfer: Sort Code 40 - 52 - 40: Account Number 00036161: Name "Association of Friends of Prince Michael of Kent Court"
  • By cheque. (made payable to "Association of Friends of PMKC") sent to Graham Hamwijk, 3 Wildwood, Northwood, Middx HA6 2DB.
  • Lodges and Chapters can donate through the Masonic Relief Chest Scheme using our Registered Charity Number 1040781. The charity address is - 3 Wildwood, Northwood, Middx HA6 2DB.

Just fill in the following forms:

Application Form
Standing Order for Annual Payments

Download the mandate, and send the forms to the Vice Chairman or you can use the information in the standing order form to set up your annual payment using online banking. Vice Chairman: Doug Brodie, 25 Park Crescent, Elstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3PT.